At Costaa, we believe in giving back much more than we receive. We are passionate about our CSR activities and ensure we are able to add value to society as we move forth in the business sphere. Two such NGOs that are supported by us are as follows:

Lighting Lives

Lighting Lives is a Charitable Trust recognised by Government of India. The trust started with 62 children in January 2016 with an addition of 28 more students in January 2017.Lighting Lives trust provides school dress, school bag, shoes, all stationery and also mid morning food like dalia, kichdi, bread-butter, sweet bread, banana, biscuits etc. to their students.

Paint Our World

Paint Our World is a humanitarian project dedicated to making a positive difference to the lives of underserved children. POW works to emotionally emPOWer children who have been through trauma – this includes child sexual abuse and becoming orphaned. The POW aim is to give these children times that are fun, that are essentially what childhoods ought to be about. Children are worked with in subtly therapeutic ways. In the process POW hopes to equip them with a better chance of becoming happy, stable adults leading purposeful lives.POW’s expressive art therapies are subtle, fun methods to teach the children safety, trust, care and the like, thus mitigating the emotional stress commonly found in the lives of the children and in so doing translates into better self esteem and focus and facilitates the development of key skills.

Costaa Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

As our contribution towards our Prime Minister’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, we distribute dustbins across India among our dealers – to be used in public places where they are required. This, at Costaa, is our way of giving back to society at large.
